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يجمع فريقنا خبرات معترف بها دوليًآ

يجمع فريقنا خبراء يهمهم تحقيق نجاحك. يدعمنا في رحلتنا كل الخلفيات المتنوعة التي يأتون منها ومهاراتهم المتخصصة، فنتعاون لتوفير حلول رقمية فائقة الجودة. نلتزم بمتابعة التكنولوجيا الحديثة وتحديثات كل مجال لندعمك بأعلى مستوى ممكن من الخبرة.

هؤلاء قادتنا

As co-founder and CEO of StorexWeb, I lead a talented team in creating user-friendly websites and applications using cutting-edge tech. Since 2017, we’ve grown our client base, revenue, and reputation, delivering high-quality projects across industries. I’m passionate about solving real-world problems and enhancing customer experiences. With experience in project management, web design, and CTO roles, I’ve contributed to the success of multiple initiatives.

As a Project Manager turned Web Developer, my journey in the tech world has been diverse and fulfilling. Fueled by a passion for innovation, I’ve seamlessly transitioned from overseeing complex projects to architecting web solutions. My dedication to staying on the forefront of technology empowers me to lead StorexWeb into a new era of global distinction.

Experienced iOS Developer with a Bachelor of Software Engineering degree, also skilled in web development. Passionate about creating intuitive and impactful mobile applications. Committed to staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in the ever-evolving tech landscape

تواصل معنا

تواصل معنا

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